Intimacy. Pleasure. Relating. These things are fundamental to your life. And you get zero education about them. Except that thing with the banana at school. Or those hours watching illicit content online. Or subliminally taking on board the way your parental figures treated each other, or what you saw in the movies...
urgh, get the point?
I have travelled the world to learn from leading experts in sex and relating - to discover what it means to feel brilliant in our bodies - how to handle intimacy challenges and grow from them - and how to create rich and meaningful connections.
Working with sexuality & intimacy is your fastest route to change. Period.
Why ? Because it taps into your most primal needs for expression, connection, and belonging.
And it connects you straight to your power.
Many of us have had this innate power dampened. I'm a "hell no" to that.
Sexuality is life force energy, the most creative energy that exists. It is yours, whether or not you choose to share it with someone. Sexuality lies far beyond intercourse and masturbation... It's your parental conditioning about self-worth, it's your societal conditioning about shame, it's the empowerment you feel to lead others with grace and integrity, it's the keys to your nervous system, it's the zero point in your emotional healthiness, it's your ability to say no cleanly, and your boldness to say yes, it's the vitality of your personal expression, it's your gateway to anything witchy and woo, it's your inner wifi connecting you straight to divinity.
No wonder it has been absolutely battered by controlling civilisation (capitalism, colonialism, and the Abrahamic patriarchal religions).
What good would it be for you to be really alive?
Private Sessions
Initial Consultation - 90mins £180
Here we will take a thorough history of your background, and make connections from your early life to now. We identify what you want to shift, and the steps needed to get you there.
Cycles - 6x60min £850
This is the foundational package. We are looking for lasting and rapid transformation. Some shifts only need one cycle, some deeper more radical changes will need more. I am with you every step of the way. Sessions are a mixture of talk-based and body-based practices. I do not offer bodywork.
Bespoke Tailored Programme £2500
This is the mother of all transformational work. A personalised programme that pulls together the best of mind-based and body-based therapeutic work, alongside ritual and ceremonial work drawing on shamanic and tantric wisdom. The benefit of bringing ritual and ceremony into your life is massive. Read why here. 8 sessions lasting between 1.5 - 2 hours long. Ritual work and home-play in between.
It is possible to book a consultation and then decide whether to pursue a cycle or a tailored programme.
Sessions are currently mostly over zoom. When doing a tailored programme I may recommended coming to my space in central London for specific ritual work.
I work with men and women, trans, cis, and non-binary. All expressions of gender and sexuality are extremely welcome. I am a cis-gendered bisexual woman, whose pronouns are she / they. I have a diverse array of inner aspects, and an integrated connection to my feminine, masculine, and mystery.
“Working with Lauren on a tailored programme has been incredible. Through her amazing teaching and practice, I have developed a completely new attitude to self care and self pleasure. I could not have got to this place without her!”
- Hattie, Lawyer